FPA Information

How to look after your Face Paints Australia paint:
- Keep stored in a cool, dry and dark place (avoid direct sunlight).
- Do not work with paint directly in the sunlight, it may go too squishy.
- Do not spray water directly onto your paint. Instead, activate your paint by wetting the tool first (eg: spray sponge or pre wet brush then activate the paint with wet or dampened sponge/brush).
- Adding too much water to a water based makeup may make it too soft and potentially 'goopy' or runny.
- When finished painting, clean paints over with a damp chux-style/microfibre cloth/wipe. Avoid baby wipes to clean your paints as it may leave tiny fibres in paint.
- Leave lids off paint to allow to air dry after use.
- Not recommended for children under 3 years.
- Use within 18 months of opening container.
- Not recommended to leave on eyes and lips for extended periods of time.
For Ingredients, Compliance and MSDS, please goto FPA Ingredients